Daily Archives: June 11, 2018


June  11th, Monday

After yesterday’s forced track workout my heel pad/ plantar fasciitis was just about unbearable this morning.  I would rate my index at 9/10.  It has become evident that I need to give my foot some time to recover and heal. So I  have decided to stop any surface running until my heel is totally free of pain. That might mean two full weeks or more. So I will swim and bike and water run during that time and nurse my heel. I will have to accept the fact that I will run the 5K portion of a triathlon on July 21st without pain only if I have given my foot time to totally heal.  It will be very interesting to see how well I can run 5k after having very limited road work for 5 weeks. It is important that I become totally healed because late August and early September are Jason’s run and qualifying for senior Nationals.  New Jersey Triathlon is just for fun.

Stats are stable.  Except for I-Mhd = 9!!!!

No workout today…..