Daily Archives: June 2, 2018

More water fun

June 1st, Friday

I had a very successful first experience of the season in the outdoor pool yesterday morning. I ran in the deep end with no impact for 55 minutes. In the course of this run I added 10 times three-part pick up segments. Each set consists of 75 to 100 strides at 5K effort, 40 to 50 strides at 800m race pace effort and 25 to 30 stride at Max effort. It amounts to a pretty demanding aerobic workout and lots of stress on my quadriceps. Of course the benefit is that it is without impact. So it does not affect my sore left heel. Ten sets within a workout is the most I’ve ever done. I was the only person at the pool  and in the hot tub for 15 minutes after my workout. This morning my legs feel okay and my heel is improving. I think two more days in the pool and on the bike will prepare me to return to an impact run workout. But I plan to stay on soft surfaces like the track or the cinders for a while.

Stats –

I-Mhd = 5/6

I-Mad = 0

Sleep = 7 hours

Weight  =  #154

a.m.HR = 54bpm