Daily Archives: May 6, 2018

Running in Jackson

May 6th, Sunday

 4 mles on the Jackson roads in 46:24

Today my legs felt pretty good as I started my run. That is something that is always a  positive sign. So I expected to be able to complete a full 4 miles.I did complete 4 miles in 46 minutes. The time went by fast as I worked on making some adjustments to my summer time speech at the Push Your Pace summer camp.  That accomplished the goal I set for today which was a comfortable, moderate run.

30 minute bike ride

May 6th, Saturday

After sleeping until almost noon today, I managed to get in a 30 minute bike ride before watching the Kentucky Derby.  I had an interesting revelation today reading my watch.  I have been reading Pace per mile has miles per hour in previous bike rides. It was becoming so much stress reading 6 minutes per mile as 6 miles per hour. That led me to believe it would take me almost 2 hours to write 11.5 miles triathlon. But reading 6 minutes per mile means that I will be riding 10 miles per hour, which makes a big difference. One would think that having worked with stopwatches for over 60 years I could have figured that out sooner. OK, moving on.  Just trying to keep on a steady work schedule to improve fitness.