Daily Archives: May 17, 2018

Cinder speed

May 17, Thursday

200m intervals, breezing!

Once again my visit to the cinders turned out to be a positive workout. It was a totally cloud-covered 75° afternoon.   Arlene and I started out with a 15 minute walk. I continued to jog for another 20 minutes as warm up. I determined to run some 200 meter intervals. After carefully marking off a 200m stretch of the cinders, I began running 6 intervals with one and a minute average recovery. The goal was to stay under 50 seconds per effort.  I was running the 200m intervals back and forth between two marked spots on the track. For some reason that I cannot explain the times in one direction were much quicker than the times in the other direction.  (Except for #6)

:44,  :51,  :45,  :51,  :46,  :44!

I stopped,  still feeling great, out of an abundance of caution only.

Another stroll with Arlene and an extended cool down made the distance covered for the day 4.75 miles in 80 minutes.

Steady stats.

Work and play!

May 16th,  Wednesday


Watch and listen. You will enjoy.

Happy Thursday!

After waiting all day for the rain to stop I decided to bundle up and go for an early evening run. I thought the rain had subsided, but after I began running I realized it would just soak me if I continued. So I made a detour into the clubhouse with the intention of using the equipment in the exercise room instead.  I worked on the bike for 10 minutes, the elliptical machine for 5 minutes and ran for 25 minutes on the treadmill. The last two miles on the treadmill were 11 minutes and 10 minutes. Because I was so overdressed for indoor work, I was sweating profusely for the last 15 minutes of my workout. Together it amounted to 45 minutes in motion.

My next decision was to take a shower because I was covered in sopping clothing. The problem was I had no replacement clothing, no towel and no soap.  I innovated by using hand soap from the sink to shower and paper towels from the sink area to dry. I walked home in the dark  like a child in the rain, splashing in the puddles barefoot. I wore only my rain slicker  and running shorts and carring a bundle of sopping clothes and my shoes. It was quite invigorating!  I thought of the Jimmy Buffett song above.

Stats –

Sleep = 9 hours

Morning HR = 54 bpm

Weight = #153

Indexes –  Achilles = 1   Heel = 2/3  Planta Fascia (instep area) = 0.  Morning discomfort disappears quite readily and running remains basically painless. This is pretty good.