Post-race doldrums. March 1 to 8

This is a quick summary of the cryptic notes from my training calander for eight post-race days.

Sunday  3/1 –  Walking

Monday  3/2 – Leg swings and walking

Tuesday   3/3 – lazy day, 30 minute bike

Wednesday   3/4 – good beach run! 5 miles covered width 6 x 1 minute SS in Middle 59:40

Side story – Today was definitely a weather anomaly. First it was extremely warm reaching 88 degrees by early afternoon which allowed me to have my good workout today. Then at about 5pm with the temperature still in the eighties, Arlene and I returned to the beach for a very pleasant walk enjoying the warm southern breeze. The sand was soft between our toes, the sun was setting colorfully in the west and the beach was ours.    We were so touched by this lovely experience that we both remarked how important it is to savor it all  as these special moments occur.  We had walked about three-quarters of a mile holding hands and feeling thankful. THEN IT HAPPENED.  The moment was shattered. A bitter cold front descended on the beach.  Within seconds the wind exploded and the temperature dropped 15° literally. We were startled and had to turn around to walk back 3/4 of a mile into a 20 mile-an-hour wind that was brutally cold. We trudged on with Arlene huddling behind me to shield her from the brutal wind. We finally made it to our car and laughed as we shivered and thought of our mutual admonitions to “cherish the moment.”

It was truly the most extreme weather change that either of us had ever experienced within a few seconds. So folks, remember to cherish those moments. LOL

Thursday   3/5 –  Rest

Friday  3/6 -2 miles on beach at 10 to11 mpm.  1.6 on boards with frequent SS. Good!  50:00

Saturday  3/7 Rest

Sunday  3/8 –  2 miles on beach, Plus 6 x 200m and 3 x 400m on boards @ 8:00

March weather in Northern Florida has not warmed up as normally expected. It has been mostly overcast quite chilly and windy as hell almost every day. By chillyof course I mean in the mid-fifties not exactly frozen, but it was 70 degrees in Hoboken today!  So, I’m getting tough by running into the teeth of wind, but we are not getting a very good tan.  I have only run one day with my shirt off in 7 weeks. Humbug.

Stats are holding steady amidst my post-race doldrums and the uncooperative weather.

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