Daily Archives: February 8, 2020

Recovery days

February 7 and 8,   Friday and Saturday

Yesterday I ran three very slow miles in 42 minutes on the soft sand on the beach. Today, I stretched and did some exercises and walked on the beach. I have been feeling as though my legs have not had rest for quite a while and needed a bit of a sabbatical. I am trying to put together a credible plan for the next 3 weeks. I’m running a 5k on the 29th.  I have run this race five or six times now. . I have finished first in my age group a number of times. . It always seems to make me nervous and motivated at the same time. This may be the longest injury-free time that I have experienced approaching this race. . I worry if I have sacrificed conditioning by taking better care with my legs. But it is very gratifying to have no soreness in my feet or my achilles tendons.