Daily Archives: February 1, 2019

Bike and Run

February 1st, Friday

A few positive training developments today…

First,  I got my hands on a beach bike that seems to be working pretty well. I rode it for about 5 miles today. It turned out to be a good warm-up for my run.

Second, the weather improved, mainly the wind lessened and the temperature went up to low 60s.  So I went out and ran 3 miles in 39 minutes. The calf muscle feels completely healed. But I still get a little pain in my right quadricep. It doesn’t prevent me from running or from accelerating, but it is annoying.  Lots of heating and stretching seems to have helped both issues.

A good Training Day.


Weight = 152 and 1/2 lb

Sleep = 9 hours

Morning heart rate stable at 54 beats per minute

Diet has been very good.

Morning plantar fasciitis pain is still at level five but disappears within minutes and does not bother me while running.

Morning Achilles tendon pain is non-existent, thankfully.









Lonely run

January 31, Thursday

Nasty, cold, unrelenting  north wind again today.  So I was the lonely beach runner.   It was a designated recovery day: so I only ran for 20 minutes. The 10 minutes heading north was pretty brutal, but the 10 minutes heading sound was kind of fun.  Being the only guy out there did make me feel a little bit hard-ass, I must admit.

“It’s just personal satisfaction.”  Kenny Moore, USA Olympic marathoner 1968 and 1972  and running writer

Steady stats