Daily Archives: April 6, 2018

1/4 intervals

April 6th, Friday

A cinder track and 440 intervals cannot help but conjure up fond memories of Lincoln Park  and my high school coach, Bob Short.

Coach Bob Short     I hope you are well, Coach.

As the temperature rose this afternoon it became a pretty good day to run out on the cinders. The cloud cover remained pretty heavy and the wind was blowing a bit,  but it was a soft, clear track.  I was inspired to do some form of repeat workout today because it’s been a while since I’ve done such a drill. In my head I started out thinking about miles, dropped that to repeat 800s and settled on repeat quarters. The goal was to do maybe 4 x 440 at 10 minute pace which would be two and a half minutes per. Since the track is half mile it was a natural to figure on equal distance recovery in about twice time. So I set out on number one and managed to finish in 2 minutes which is 8 minute pace and recovered in 4 minutes.  That was surprisingly quick. Each one there after I tried to slow down but wound up running basically the same pace. It seemed to get easier as I got more warmed up.  So I did 4 in 2:00,  2:07,  2:00,  2:03.  I was pretty happy with that and the fact that I covered  a total of 4.03 miles with warm up and cool down. The whole thing took 58 minutes.  It’s a start.

I can’t be sure when I’ll get back in the pool again because I’m still waiting to return to the eye- ear -nose- throat doctor treating me for my serious sinus issues. Pool seems to be a stimulator of the sinus issues.  I am currently back to my normal semi-stuffed but bearable state.

Stats –

Weight = #153

Sleep = 7 hours  + 2 hour nap after

Foot Indexes  all good

a.m. = ?