Monthly Archives: January 2018

Wet 45

January 13, Saturday

Total pool day today. Spent 45 minutes in water with 20 minutes swimming and 25 minutes running. Why running in the deep water I did six sets of 60 – 40 – 20 strides mimicking 5k pace, 800m pace and max effort.   That sequence tends to get my heart rate quite elevated and sustained for a significant time. Good workout!

Solid stats.



Rock steady

January 9th, Tuesday

Not quite 16 tons, but………🎵🎶

Good old song-

Despite feeling pretty tired tonight, I toughed it out and went to the club for some work. I did everything very methodically and deliberately.  Steady hour;

Elliptical – 10

Bike – 10

Core & upper – 10

treadmill  – 10

Swim – 20  lengths  – 500yds . 20 minutes

15 hot whirlpool 😎

Sleepy time……🛏🌒


90 minutes working

January 6th,  Saturday

Today I spent 90 minutes at the clubhouse in the exercise room and the pool doing a large variety of exercises and activities.  My decision to train for the next 8 months for a triathlon has been quite liberating. I can swim and ride the bike and do weight lifting for 2 or 3 days in a row without feeling guilty that I have not run. This allows my tender feet to stay healthy and avoid injuries. For the last two days I have felt no pain in my left foot which is quite encouraging. I was tempted to run on the treadmill today for a mile just to keep my running as part of my training but I resisted that urge and did a whole bunch of other stuff. That includes riding the bike for 35 minutes walking on the treadmill for 5 minutes, working on the elliptical machine for 10 minutes, swimming for 10 minutes and running in the water for 10 minutes with weight lifting interspersed between these activities. I then spent 15 minutes in a hot tub with a great deal of stretching my lower legs and feet. All in all I would call it a very positive training day.

Stats -7

I-Mad and I-Mid and Feet In General (FIG) ? LOL. = 2 😊

Weight = #154

Sleep = 9 hours

a.m.HR =54BPM.  So steady!




Indoor cozy work

January 5th, Friday

Snowed in and basically frozen, today I spent the afternoon doing about an hour’s worth of  work on  balance drills, leg strengthening drills , foot strengthening drills and stretching.   Surprisingly, I was quite winded at the end of the session. So I guess it was some kind of good work. Tonight both my legs are cramping as I try to sit and take this video of my fireplace.  So it must have put some degree of stress on my leg muscles. Tomorrow the Deep Freeze continues, may be a total playoff football  day. Can you say Bomb Cyclone?  WTF ..?        12 days to St. Augustine! 

Signed up today…..NJ TRIATHLON

January 3rd, 2018.    – Wednesday


Today I registered for the New Jersey Triathlon on August 18th of this year. It cost $165 to register. So that makes me committed. I have to admit, I’m quite excited and more than a little bit nervous about the whole situation. But I view swimming, riding and running in three equal parts as an excellent way to train for the next 8 months. I will be able to stay fit and maybe be strong enough to win a Senior National Championship as a youngster in the 75+ age group in 2019.  If it turns out that I’m successful at the triathlon, I might even try that at the senior games. Who knows?  I will be way ahead of the game if I’m still breathing in 2019.  LOL

Day off to recover today.

Triathlon – Really!

January 2nd, Tuesday

Today I worked for 40 minutes in the pool;  5 warm-up, 20 non-stop swimming and 15 running in deep end; no impact.  Good work.  Plus 15 minutes in the hot whirlpool.  I feel very lucky to have this facility available to me on a very chilly January afternoon.

I have made a commitment to compete in a triathlon in August with my niece, Maura, and her husband, Andrew.  It happened at the O’Rourke Annual Christmas Party last week.  We had talked about it before, and they have completed one.  So, now I am in!  Training for the next 6 months on the bike and in the swimming pool two-thirds of the time will, perhaps, offer the added benefit of allowing my foot to completely heal. Either way, it does give me a goal and seems like it could be a lot of fun: and it will certainly keep me fit.

Good stats…


Solitary training session

December 31st, Sunday. New Year’s Eve

I hope everybody has a great 2018!

Got in 70 minutes of good work in an empty fitness room tonight.  It was a little lonely and somewhat scary being the only person in a the expansive clubhouse: but also peaceful and focused.  Bike, elliptical, core, weights, machines and 5 minute run on the treadmill in my new Asics, Kayano 24, Badass Black trainers.

That’s it for 2017.  Foot getting better.  St. Augustine in 18 days.

Stats – Stable