Intervals and seafood – Cant beat it.

November 30th, Friday

Recovery dinner with Arl at Klein’s, Belmar, NJ

The weather was 45° and calm as I arrived at the cinder track about 2 p.m. this afternoon.  I had heated my legs before leaving home.  I warmed up with a mile jog and some leg drills for about 18 minutes. I decided to start some 400m intervals running at 10:00 pace. That went very well, and I gradually got the pace down to under 8 minutes. Instead of taking a full 400m recovery this time I only did a jog back and return to start in less than 2:00.  I had the feeling of running relaxed and efficient. Six x 400m was the goal and it was accomplished with a final 800m interval added at 9:10 pace.  The day covered a total of 4.71 miles including warm-up  and cool down.  No leg or foot issues .Good stuff 🙂

Stats –  Steady and sound


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