Water run

January 9th,  Monday

Free Floating ………

I procrastinated for most of today for two reasons. First, it was very cold and I was pretty much chicken to go out. Second, I really was not looking forward to running on the treadmill in the gym again today. However, as I w,as preparing to leave a flash struck me. Even though I’m not allowed  to swim because of my cataract operation, I can run in the water because I don’t have to put my head in water to run. This amazing insight reinvigorated me, and I headed to the clubhouse with enthusiasm. I had not done any water running for more than a month I suppose. So I managed to run for 25 minutes with   6 x the 30-20-10 surge sequence spaced throughout.  I think it was a very good aerobic workout and a very good anaerobic effort. All that accomplished with no foot strikes. Amazing!          Better weather for the next few days.


I-Mad = 1

a.m. HR = 56BPM

Sleep =9 hours

Weight = #155

Workout = 25 minute water run with six 30-20-10 surge⚓

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