Daily Archives: January 22, 2022

11.5 miles in 5 days

January 16-20, Sunday to Thursday

Champions are made when no one is watching.  Anonymous

Locked in 3 good workouts this week on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Sunday as darkness fell I bundled up and headed out for what I thought might be 1⁄2 an hour run. But it turned into 4 miles in 56 minutes with several speed segments.  It was a very draining effort because of the weather conditions and extra weight.  Ate well and sacked out for 11 hours afterwards.

Tuesday I did 3.5 miles on the cinders in 40 minutes, once again adding some strong speed segments.  It takes in excess of 20 minutes these days to open up and run a comfortable stride. But once it occurs my legs are feeling very good.

Thursday I got a little braver and decided to try running some hills  in my neighborhood. I have not attempted a hill  workout in months.  Once again it was very cold and I was heavily padded.  But I managed 4 miles in 50:31 with 4 times 200m hill surges in the middle.  I was pleased with the effort, the time and the distance.

My legs feel good as write this on Friday, surely helped by the fact that I have been getting extended rest this entire week usually exceeding 9/10 hours per night. Plus I am resting every other day!

800m race at Monmouth College indoors on next Thursday, 1/26.


I am very psyched at the thought that I will be running in shorts and T-shirt in Florida in 10 days.🎽🏖☀   🌬❄

Good stats!