Daily Archives: June 15, 2021

A week of variety

June 8th through June 14th 

This week was marked by a serious return to our pool at Four Seasons. I managed three productive sessions in the water. It had been more than a year, and it felt terrific. I walked 6 miles around the city of Hoboken with Robert on Thursday. In four sessions throughout this week (on cinders, on dirt trails and on roads) I covered 16 miles at various intensity. The long runs were peppered with a series of  Speed Segments throughout. And today I completed a workout on the Cinders with 6 x 400 meters.  1:48, 1:48, 145, 1:37, 1:54, 2:05.

With 12 days remaining before I try to run a quick mile at the Big Bang Mile in Holmdel, New Jersey I’m feeling pretty good about my training and fitness. I’ve managed to get through a sore knee and not lose too much training time.


Weight  = 143 lb

Diet  = 9 / 10

Sleep = 9 / 10 hours daily

Resting heart rate equals 54 beats per minute of course open to the idea

Feet and legs are injury-free, though muscles are sore from good book

So-called “Frozen Shoulder”  (actual diagnosis) remains sore in bed and on rising but does not affect running or swimming.