Daily Archives: March 27, 2021

Hello spring!

March 26, Friday

Today it felt like spring was blowing winter back to the North Pole. The blustery wind was unrelenting: yet the temperature was in the low eighties at the cinder track.

I managed to accomplish 4.26 miles in 53.30. Along the way I added 4 x 800m intervals with 200m recovery.  (5:29, 4:49, 4:21, 4:21)

It was fun running in shorts and a t-shirt for the first time in months.

My new Garmin is telling me that I’m working too hard. That may be the case since my right knee is starting to ache. I had a very sore calf muscle for the last 3 days and even had a serious muscle cramp in the middle of the night on Tuesday. It could be that my decision to switch to some faster work instead of longer work over the last two weeks is taking a toll.  I guess I will have to back off for a while.

STATS – Weight, sleep, heart rate and diet are steady and sound.