Daily Archives: December 21, 2020

5+ miles on FSML roads

December 20, SUNDAY

Set out with my new reflective vest this afternoon on a road runaround the streets of Four Seasons Metedeconk Lakes.  I covered 5.4 miles to my surprise.  It’s easy to lose track of distance when you’re running in circles around random streets, okay.  Miles number four and five were pretty quick at 10:16 and 10:06 to my surprise also. The whole effort was 61 minutes with a 14 minute second mile while I stopped at home for gloves and a hat.   I’m not very happy about running on the roads, but don’t have much choice because every place else is covered in snow.  The legs and feet seem to be holding up very well under this running-every-other-day regimen. It may have to be the default plan for most of the winter.   Injury-free is the key !  🙂

We haven’t made a plan to go to Florida this winter for the first time in 11 years. I feel very sad about this. But the fact of the matter is that Arlene and I are going nowhere until we get a covid-19  vaccine.  The latest news says that we are next on the list because we are over 75 years of age. That would be very nice Christmas present.   🙂

We are fortunate to have Rob and Kristen here for most of the winter.  They put together a great  pasta Primavera dinner tonight for the four of us that was quite enjoyable for the  cuisine and the company.   🙂 🙂

Three smiley faces, must be a good post.

Stats continue to be stable and a good level.