Daily Archives: June 2, 2020

A little setback

June 2, Tuesday

“Courage is a mean with regard to fear and confidence.”  Aristotle

I called upon Aristotle today to help me get back on my bike after a nasty spill a few days ago.  I have been resting since late on Saturday afternoon when I scraped and bruised myself, nothing serious. My seat came loose and twisted my body and I went down. Wasn’t going very fast but hit pretty hard. Most troubling is a bruise on the left rib cage which I hope is not a fracture. I’ve had fractured ribs twice and this discomfort seems to be diminishing more rapidly which is hopeful.  Elevated fear, diminished confidence, seek the mean. So.I tightened my seat and rode around the block once. OK!  Maybe run tomorrow………..

I think my legs will probably thank me for a few days of needed rest.