Daily Archives: May 26, 2020

400m repeats!

MAY 25,  Monday

Sunday –  9.5 on the bike

Monday- went to the cinder track on a splendid May running day with low expectations because of yesterday’s 9.5 mile bike ride.  Everybody respects social distancing on the wide 880yd track My legs surprised me with a bit of energy.  It turned into a 5mile day on the cinders with 8 x 400m repeats at below 8:00 per mile pace in the middle.  I did take equal time walking recovery between repeats with an extra long recovery after #5.  It was challenging and draining but not overly difficult. Upon checking my Garmin data this evening , I was pleased to see some pretty quick stats making the eight 400m repeats recorded.  Plus the 5th mile cool down displayed some below 9:00 segments.  An encouraging day…

STATS are steady and solid.