Daily Archives: January 13, 2020

Two Days of Work

January 13, Monday

A thought for high school cross country runners…..:-)

“8If you don’t have confidence, you will always find a way not to win.”

On Sunday I managed only 2+ miles of work on the Freehold Boro track with 6 x 100m SS.  It’s a long story not worth repeating.

On Monday I muscled through 4.25 miles on the Jackson roads in 56 minutes.  It was intended to be an easy day. But the 12 + minute miles seemed to wear me out as I went along.   When I got home I weighed the layers of clothes I had on and it came out to 8.4 pounds.  That could be a factor. I cannot wait to get to Saint Augustine this Saturday. Also I weighed 147.4 pounds when I got home.

STATS are holding steady at positive levels.