Daily Archives: November 3, 2019

Good end of week

But first this for all high school runners;
Quote from Des Linden after finishing sixth as first American woman in New York City Marathon today.

“Mission accomplished. I died….. but also I didn’t actually die and that’s valuable.”

October 30th, Thursday –
48 minutes on the cinders with four times 800m in the middle. I sent out to run comfortable 800 repeats 10:00 per mile pace. It turned out my legs felt pretty good and I ran the four 800m repeats at under 9:00 pace.  4:15,  4:28,  4:20  &  4:27
October 31, Friday  –    REST DAY. HEAVY LEGS
November 1, Saturday
Easy 5 miles at Manasquan Reservoir during cross-country practice. I expected my legs to still be a little sore from Thursday’s workout as I began a slow run around the reservoir. I anticipated maybe a mile and a half out and back. But egs seemed better than expected and I finally hit the point of no return, and so I finished all 5 miles around the reservoir.  A positive run!
November 2, Sunday –  Another surprising 5 miles
Got out late on this chilly afternoon with not much expectation for a strong workout. I managed the first two miles basically as a warm up with heavy sweats and alternating between jogging, some pickups and walking.  After two miles  I decided to get Brave and discarded my sweats on the side of the road to run the final 3 miles around my home loop with some stronger effort.  My body responded with more energy each time I pushed the pace. So the final three miles were covered in just under 32:00. The declining mile times were 11:18, 10:35 and 9:52.   I’m beginning to feel much more positive about my fitness. I can’t recall covering 10 miles in 2 days in quite a long time.  How my body responds in the next 2 days should tell me a lot. But anyway I look at it, the last two weeks have been encouraging.:-)
And fortunately all statistical measures have been very strong and very steady, the complaints.