Daily Archives: May 17, 2019

MMF- My Modifided Fartlek for +70 types

May 14 & 15, Wednesday & Thursday

“Even when I’m running I smile because I know I don’t have to.”
~~~John Bingham,  “Who Needs a Reason”  RUNNERS WORLD

On Thursday Arlene and I went to an elementary track meet at Marlboro High School to watch our nephew Ryan participate. Ryan ran well in the 800m and the 400m. I also noted while watching that the track was in very good shape and quite a forgiving surface.  I happened to have my spikes in the car in anticipation  finding a surface to begin a few workouts in spikes before my race in June.  So, I took the opportunity to lace up and run a few 100m and one 200m SS in spikes. It was a good introduction. Previous to putting on the spikes I did some warm up running and about 12 100m+ SS.   Positive recovery day.

On Friday I ran 4 miles in 58 minutes on the cinders. I put into practice my new favorite theory about aerobic days.  So, after some 15 minutes  of walking and jogging I began running alternating 200m SS followed by 200m of walking or slow jogging.  I believe this accomplishes the triple benefit of:

1-keeping my legs moving quickly  (usually below 8:00  per mile pace)

2-keeping my heart rate elevated for an extended period of time

3- limiting  the total number of running foot strikes that my legs have to absorbe!!!

I was happy to be able to include 12 x 200m Speed Segments along the way.

STATS are in good shape.