Daily Archives: March 3, 2018

Lighthouse 5K

March 3rd,  Saturday

1st place , Men 70+
 That guy to my left looks a lot younger than 70 years old

Approaching this race with modest expectations, I did a thorough warm up and felt quite relaxed at the start. I ran the first Mile in 8:06 faster than I have run in many months. I ran the Second Mile cautiously in 9 minutes. I think my lack mileage showed up in the final mile though I tried to sustain by doing an ocassional 50 stride pickup and some serious belly breathing.  I finished strong and kept good form in the final one tenth of a mile. A final time of 27:59 exceeded my expectations and, surprisingly, earned me the first place medal in the men’s + 70 division.  I am satisfied with this performance considering the kind of training I have been doing. Fortunately I experienced no leg issues or foot issues during or after the race. Hopefully that will continue tomorrow when I wake up. I think we will be swimming and biking for a day or two to let my legs recover.

I did not take note of any Stats today.