Daily Archives: April 26, 2016

The Coaching Years 1974 – 2012

IMG_1323Winning wasn’t everything, or the only thing.  But it sure was fun!


It is a daunting task to attempt to capture 38 years of coaching a single post. The idea of this blogging adventure was never to talk about my coaching career.   There are truly thousands of memories.  Each athlete was special, each competition thrilling. The coaches that I worked with and competed against became special friends each.  For 24 years at North Hunterdon we had successful season after successful season.  Some were spectacularly successful.   I am proud of everything we accomplished.  But perhaps the nicest thing that anyone has said to me was a compliment  from a good friend, Roger Shutack.   Roger coached basketball with success, intelligence and class for many years at North.   I have a great deal of respect for Roger’s knowledge of sports in general. That is why his compliment was so meaningful to me.   In a conversation we had after I retired he said,

“Bobby you weren’t just successful, you changed the game. Not many coaches can say that in any sport.”

I’ve been fortunate to receive many honors  for the success of my career as a running coach . But I, honestly, can’t think of a higher compliment.  Now, I would bet Roger doesn’t even remember saying that to me.  But just the fact that a fellow coach might think of my career in that manner fills me with pride.  And I like to think he’s right!

Someday I may decide to write a  biography of my coaching career with all of its successes, failures, great characters and stories.  But that is for another time.

In February  of 2011, at the age of 69, I decided it was time to get fit again. Then, in March of 2016, I decided to write about the trials and joys of training  and eventually competing as a plus70runner.   So here we are.

