5K Goals Met

August 28th, Sunday,  2:00p.m







I ran a very controlled 5K today in 29 minutes today.  I finished with no lag issues.  So, all of my pre-race goals were accomplished.  I was questioning my aerobic strength throughout the run and the 3rd mile was particularly difficult. So, what did I learn? I learned that my legs are pretty strong, and I’m pretty sure I could have run lot faster.  I could surged at will but continually chickened out because of difficulty breathing.  I need a lot of work to achieve the level of aerobic strength that I attend in the early spring when I ran 15:46 for 5 K.  I have known all along that weight lifting and swimming were not going to do that trick.   I’ve been reluctant to attempt longer runs for fear that my legs would break down. I can also use the extremely hot and humid weather has another excuse. But that must change has the cooler weather arrives. There remains one goal 2 weeks from today. That is to qualify for the National Senior Games. After that I can begin a serious training program without fear of losing out because of injury. The finals are in June of 2017. I can train with the Liberty boys in the fall in st. Augustine during the winter and in Atlantic City and Jackson in the spring. I will select some 5K races 2 monitor Fitness levels. My goal is to break 6 minutes for 1500 meters Nationals. I can hardly wait.

Visiting Hillsboro this morning everyone was very warm and welcoming.  Linda and Ernie Walton are always most gracious and grateful when we meet. Linda and I I actually shared a moment of tears as we both thought about Robby Andrew’s performance at the Olympic trials and in Rio, and what might have been with Jason.  Catching up with former runners their parents and Coach friends it was all so delightful. The event, the people, and the Run, plus breakfast with Coach Rich Refi made for a very enjoyable morning.

3 thoughts on “5K Goals Met

  1. Hey Johnny, That reply was to my other friend, John, aka Otis, who runs our class of 1961 alumni Web site and reunions.
    Thank you for your constant monitoring of my progress.
    Happy Labor Day!

  2. Well done, Bob! Looks like you did Jason’s Run, in spite of your recent difficulties, about 2 minutes faster than you did 4 years ago–when you were just a lad….I hope the aches are gone for good.

    On to the state Olympics!

    1. Thanks Otis, Getting there- I am much more confident about the New Jersey games now that I finished this 5k without a hitch.
      I am glad the 55th reunion went off well. Reading the emails from classmates makes it sound as though everybody had a day great time. Another job well done. Sorry I missed the gang.

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