I’m back…!

December 22nd, Thursday


I have loved that song for almost 50 years!

I was very excited to get the OK from my eye surgeon today to resume running. It’s been a week, and I was exhilarated to return to the cinder track today for 40 minutes in motion with basically jogging and some running drills. It was a lovely afternoon for the first day of winter.  I plan to continue light running until the first of the year. By then I feel I will be ready to resume a normal schedule of training.  I will have five months  to prepare for the Nationals in Birmingham, Alabama.  That will consist of a frigid January, two months on the lovely St. Augustine beaches, and then the spring months of April and May back in New Jersey.  I am very excited!

I will not belabor my readers with the full story of the cataract operation. Suffice it to say, it was little more than an inconvenience for about a week. Medicare covers most of the cost. So, if any of my  senior friends have thought about it, drop me a note and I will give you the full story via personal message.

Stats resume tomorrow.

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