Daily Archives: October 15, 2017


October 15, Sunday

Well, I am happy to say that this will be a positive post, the first positive Post in quite a while concerning my feet. So after being told by everybody including two doctors that my foot pain is definitely the result plantar fasciitis  and reading everything I can find about plantar fasciitis, I came to my own conclusion.  I have decided upon and have been in progress of aggressively rolling my sore foot with a frozen plastic ginger ale container for 20 minutes three times a day. I’ve been doing this for about 4 days now and the results have been pretty startling. My foot no longer hurts when I walk at all and the discomfort in the morning and after sitting for a long period of time has decreased dramatically. I am at this time watching the Giants on the way to defeating Denver, which in itself is quite remarkable, and have been rolling my feet, both of them, for about 2 hours tonight. It hurts like hell when I roll it and I stand on the frozen bottle and roll with my complete wait on it.  I am telling myself it is exquisite torture. So as a result while walking on the boardwalk today with Arlene I decided to jog for a few minutes and test my feet. Now I am wearing new sneakers and new softer orthotic inserts. I was quite euphoric to note as I jogged that not only was I devoid of pain but my feet actually felt normal for the first time in many weeks.  So now I am going back to happy, painful ice rolling while  watching Denver mount a comeback in the 4th quarter: it is definitely going to be a long 10 minutes. Hang on G- MEN!!!