Monthly Archives: May 2017

Lite day….?

May 9th, Tuesday

3.43 recovery miles in 42.48 on Jackson roads. Feeling pretty good. No leg or foot discomfort.

Stats –

I-Mad = 0

I-Mid = 1

a.m.HR = 54BPM

Weight – #148.4 ? Lowest weight since ??  ever.

Sleep – 8 hours

Workout – Recovery miles- 3.43


Progressive Miles

May 8th, Monday

I am progressive!?

Nicely bundled on this 55* day, I headed out to the cinder track to try another workout. I began with a half mile walk and a half mile jog, and then some stretching.  I have decided to discontinue the use of active stretching drills as part of warm up for a while.  I have come to suspect that the uniqueness of these drills is not accepted kindly by my legs. My goal was to run three progressive miles with a one minute rest between each effort.  The miles were; 11:15,  10:13  and  9:27. I did not attempt any pickups along the way although I was tempted as my body was responding and warming up nicely. However, being only a month away from my race at Nationals, I am proceeding with great deliberation. Fortunately there were no aches in my hamstring or in my left foot during this work out. All-in-all, I consider this a step forward and a very positive workout.

Stats –

I-Mad = 0

I-Mid = 2

a.m.HR = 54BPM

Weight = #151

Sleep= 8 hours

Workout = 3 x miles @ 11:15,  10:13, 9:27. ?


Lots of smiles, and 4+ miles

May 6th,  Saturday

Eliud Kipchoge

4.65 miles in 57:04 on Jackson roads on a perfect running day.  ( 63*, cloud cover, wind calm)

No leg issues at that pace; longest run in a few weeks.

I think it is very helpful that I heated both my feet and my hamstring before the run. I also wore a  set of full  leg tights today and  compression socks.  I was determined not to try to push the pace , only to cover distance and time.  My legs warmed up nicely as I moved along and each mile dropped time without effort. I must admit tha Eliud Kipchoge inspired me  with his amazing 2 hour marathon effort yesterday.  He is the composed, efficient, running Monsta  that I aspire to be.


Even though the entire event was staged and NIKE should be ashamed of itself for exploiting these guys to sell shoes, Kipchoge solidified his position as the dominant distance runner of his generation.

Stats –

I-Mad = 0 ?

I-Mid = 1 ?

a.m.HR = 54BPM  ☺

Weight = #150  ?

Sleep = 9 hours ?

Workout = above ?

Holmdel Afternoon

May 4th,  Thursday

Historic Longstreet Farm

Arlene and I spent a lovely afternoon at Holmdel Park today. We visited The Longstreet Farm for a while and had a nice walk around the lake.  In between I did a workout while Arlene learned more about the history of  The Longstreet Farm and took some pictures.  Having spent many summers on Grandmother’s farm during her younger years,  these scenes and smells bring back fond memories for Arlene.   I am constantly amazed at the complexity of the 18th century farm machinery displayed there.  No childhood farm memories for this guy!

My workout was three 12:30 miles around the XC starting line field.  It is just about a half-mile with the first half going uphill and the second half going downhill. That means I was going uphill for 6 x 400 meters. It was a decent aerobic workout. I had to moderate the pace for fear of re-injuring my tender hamstring muscle. I can still feel a slight tenderness in the area even at that pace.

Stats –

a.m.HR = 54BPM

II-Mad = 0

I- Mid = 2

Weight  = #152

Workout = 10 minutes walk, 3 miles  @ 12:30 pace.. 38:00




Staying focused…

May 2nd and 3rd

Looking on the bright side… ? ?

Tuesday – Being careful about my hamstring strain, I spent half  an hour working on upper body in the weight room and 15 minutes in the whirlpool.  Still heating and rolling and taking anti-inflammatory drug.  I don’t think this is serious but it will take a day or two. It looks like I will be spending a lot more time running in the 10:30 to 11:30 per  mile range for a while.  It’s also beginning to look like I will be running 1500 meters on strength alone next month with little opportunity for any speed work.  ?

Wednesday –  jogged a very slow mile this morning around the block with very minimal discomfort in the hamstring muscle. Left foot feels fine. Later in the day while doing laundry I walked and jogged for about 50 minutes. Once again very little discomfort. So things are looking up.?

Stats – Stable

May Day!

April 30th,  Sunday

Covered 4 miles in 43:00 tonight on the sidewalk of the  neighborhood.   Last mile was at 9: 57.?  Foot feels good.?

1500m race in Birmingham is six weeks today.??


May 1st,  Monday

I headed for the Cinders today with the intention of running 3 miles at 10:00 or better with a short break in between each.  It had only been about 15 hours since I ran last night’s 4 miler.  To warm up I did a set of dynamic exercises, jogged a mile and ran 4 x 50 stride pick-ups.  I started out optimistically on the first mile at what seemed like a 10:00 pace maybe slightly quicker. About 200m into it my right hamstring gave me a jolt that forced me to stop. I was shocked by the entire event and had to suspend the workout. I went home and iced my hamstring and took the first of the anti-inflammatory pills that I got from the doctor at Rothman Clinic. I had been deciding whether to begin taking these anti-inflammatory pills or not : but now that I had two issues to deal with, I decided I guess I have to do it.  I will have to baby my hamstring for a little longer and just work on strength.  It’s becoming apparent that my body needs more recovery time than I have been giveing it lately.

 Maybe I need to concentrate more on becoming a fit runner then on becoming a Monsta!

As Carl Patrini reminded me, “Discretion is the better part of valor.”


I-MAD = 0

I-MID  = 1.5

WEIGHT = #152

SLEEP = 8.5 hours

Workout = Aborted miles