Daily Archives: April 27, 2017

Aerobic run

April 26th,  Wednesday

After a few dynamic stretches and a one mile jog, I ran 5K in 35 minutes.  That was all I wanted to accomplish today.  Wanting to see if my left foot would continue to improve through running, I opted for a little longer run.  The last K was a little sore.  I iced immediately, but tonight the arch is grumbling a bit more.  So, I am glad that I have an appointment with the doc at Rothman Institute on Friday.

Is a cortisone shot in my future?  I have pretty much accepted the idea as it is getting  close to the crisis stage for training for the Nationals.  Six weeks is not much time.  To my surprise people close to me have recommended that I pursue that option. These are  people who are usually very conservative and generally opposed  to medical intervention.  The logic seems to be, ” What are you waiting for?  You have been training for this for over a year. How many more times do you think you going to get back to the Nationals?”   It’s reasoning I have difficulty refuting.  We’ll see what the doctor says on Friday. I am not Galen Rupp, but I would like to run a fast 800m and 1500m  in June.

Why not take a shot?  Ha,Ha!

Ice, stretch and sleep now………

Stats-  Holding steady