Daily Archives: January 11, 2017

Some speed on the cinders

January 11, Wednesday


On this unseasonably warm afternoon I decided to test he cinder track.  The melted show posed a threat of mushy cinders, but I figured it might be better than slushy roads.  The track had some soft spots and wet spots.  So I devised a brilliant plan to mark off a 200m segment of dry track to run some 8:00 pace repeats.   That would be 60 seconds per 200m.   It was a shot, and I wasn’t sure if it was even possible.  I found two permanent fixtures that were 200m apart and began fully dressed.  Layers were discarded as the workout progressed.  To my surprise I was able to complete 8 x 200m all under 60 seconds rather comfortably. The temptation to extend to 10x was present, but I stopped at 8x out of caution.  The whole event (location, weather conditions and workout) was quite exhilarating !  I can’t imagine a more positive January workout  at this stage of my training.  For logging purposes the interval times are listed, noting 60 second recovery between each 200m. ( 53, 59, 54, 58, 53, 53, 46, 56 )  Total time with warm-up and drills and cool down was 56 minutes and 3 miles. Ending HR was 144 BPM.  No leg or foot aches.

Stats are stable.