Daily Archives: December 23, 2016

Controlled 3 miles +

December 23, Friday, Evening

Today I completed three miles in about 37 minutes. Still running very carefully not trying to increase the pace yet. My entire workout was about 60 minutes, as I did one-legged running drills prior to the run and walked about three-quarters of a mile at the end of the run. It was another mild afternoon in the middle of a pleasant winter day, about 40 degrees and sunny. I am pleased with the condition of my body after a layoff for surgery.  My former lower leg and foot issues have disappeared making the run quite effortless and enjoyable.  I hope that I can gradually increase the length and intensity of my workouts while avoiding the return of problems.

” Self-inflicted injuries are the enemy of progress.”

Stats –

I-Mad = 1

Sleep = 8 hours

Weight = #152 after run

a.m.HR = MISSED IT …!

WORKOUT = 3 MILES  @FSML, +  drills & walk 1200m