Daily Archives: November 3, 2016

Maybe a little too much

November 2nd ,  Wednesday,  Late nite

Trying to stay in control  –  ” Discretion is the better part of valor.”

Today at the Liberty cross-country practice I ran 2 miles on the track. That is the furthest I’ve tried to run  since I injured my Achilles  tendon. I did an extensive warm-up of walking, very slow jogging and leg drills. My original intention was to run 1 mile, but my injury started to feel better. At around the one-mile mark I was in that sweet spot where it stops hurting for a while, and so I decided to continue. There is always that danger when you are in that sweet  spot of no pain  you will overdo it and  cause damage that will set back recovery.  I hope I did not do that today. When I finished I felt a kind of throbbing in the tendon. That quickly disappeared, and it has not hurt since. I have stopped using ice after I run because I’m not convinced of its effectiveness. So I have been massaging and doing some serious rolling with the foam roller on my calf muscles.

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