Daily Archives: September 22, 2016

??40 minutes

September 22, Friday, 3:00 p.m.

Got an early 40 minute session of straight swimming in the pool this morning. First 40-minute swim in many months.  Afterwards went in the Whirlpool for 16 minutes with special attention to my Achilles tendon and calf muscles. It feels like my tendon is making steady progress.

Stats are steady.


Ho Hum…

September 21st,  Autumn, Wednesday, After midnight, so, really Thursaday

Not much to report today. Still choosing to err on the side of caution.  I took my bike to practice again today and spent about an hour in motion all over the Jackson Liberty campus.  I actually joined 3 other cross country team members who were on rehab duty today riding bicycles around campus also.  I am confident that my Achilles is getting better each day. Tomorrow will be dedicated to swimming and lifting.

I was accidentally referred to a post from June 13th today. In that post I laid out what I had discovered to be a particularly important point about + 70 running. That point was to start slow and go slow for a long time and let the body do its own adaptations. I will try very hard to heed this advice when I am back on the road again.

Stats are stable.